Freezing Rain & Power Outages Along I-70 Interchange Causes Driving Concerns

March 3, 2015 | By O'Connor Acciani & Levy
Freezing Rain & Power Outages Along I-70 Interchange Causes Driving Concerns

A freezing rain advisory is in effect for Franklin, Fairfield, Madison and counties to the south, while Delaware, Licking, Union and counties to the north face a winter weather advisory. Drivers are urged to use caution across the area. Adding to the chaos, more than 9,000 people are without power in southwestern Franklin County and around 100 are without power in Madison County. The outage is affecting stop lights in some areas and traffic in such places as Rome-Hilliard Road at the I-70 interchange. Police are advising motorists to treat intersections with non-working traffic lights as four-way stop intersections.

Traffic Light Out? Treat Intersection As Four-Way Stop

Many drivers cringe when approaching a four-way stop only to be cutoff when its clearly my turn, or worse, allowed to go when it is obviously not their turn. Here are some guidelines:
  • Whichever car stops first should go first. If yours is the second car to arrive, you should be the second to go (and so on.)
  • If you stop at the same time as another car, left-turning cars should yield to cars going straight.
  • If you stop at the same time as another car, left-turning cars should yield to right-turning cars, allowing the intersection to clear quickly.
  • You should try to make eye contact with the drivers of other vehicles at the intersection to better judge their intentions and avoid accidents.

Tips For Driving In Bad Weather

Driving with too much confidence and speeding on snowy, icy roads rank among the most common causes of auto accidents in winter conditions. Here are some tips to help you prevent accidents if you have to head outside.
  • Don't slam on your brakes
  • Don't use cruise control
  • Avoid any sudden movement with your vehicle
  • Make sure that you have clear visibility from your windshield
Remember, your best bet to avoid a car accident is to stay home when the weather is really bad.

Have You Been Hurt In An Accident That Occurred In Bad Weather And Was The Fault Of Another Driver?

Did you know that you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other expenses that are related to the incident? The top personal injury lawyers in Cincinnati at O'Connor, Acciani & Levy have detailed knowledge of the traffic and insurance laws in our state and can inform you about your rights and if required, help guide you through the legal process.