Millions Of Drunk Drivers On U.S. Roads Each Month

August 14, 2015 | By O'Connor Acciani & Levy
Millions Of Drunk Drivers On U.S. Roads Each Month

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 4.2 million people have admittedly driven drunk in the past month. This equals 121 million accounts of drunk driving per year. With so many drunk drivers on the roads, injury and fatality rates are greatly impacted. One third of all collision fatalities from the past two decades were a result of alcohol-related driving. Young males, ages 21 to 34, who have binge drinking issues, account for a third of all drunk driving incidents, according to the CSC study. Overall, men accounted for 80 percent of all impaired drivers. Our personal injury attorneys have seen the devastation that often results from a drunk driving accident. We have years of experience representing the injured and helping them get the justice they deserve for their injuries.

Binge Drinking And Drunk Driving

Binge drinking has become a serious problem amongst the nations youth. Binge drinking is defined as five or more alcoholic drinks at one time for men, and four alcoholic drinks or more at one time for women. According to Scott Krakower, an alcohol abuse expert, 39 percent of all college students admit to binge drinking, as reported in a 2013 study. He states that research shows that underage drinking has been linked to alcohol problems later in life. While binge drinking is less rampant in adults, it is still quite serious. Research shows that four percent of adults are also classified as binge drinkers. According to the CDC, this four percent of binge drinking adults is involved in approximately 66 percent of all accidents involving drunk driving.

Getting Tough On Drunk Driving

To combat drunk driving, experts suggests that states impose tougher actions. This includes stricter enforcement of breath-alcohol laws, increasing alcohol taxes, and increasing sobriety checkpoints. Working to lower incidences of underage drinking could also help curb alcohol problems in adults. If you have been injured by a drunk driver, O'Connor, Acciani & Levy can assist you in pursuing a claim for compensation.